
Modern persistent Key/Value-Stores operate on updatable datasets — massively exceeding the size of available main memory. Tree-based key/value storage management structures became particularly popular in storage engines. B+-Trees allow constant search performance, however write-heavy workloads yield inefficient write patterns to secondary storage devices and poor performance characteristics. LSM-Trees overcome this issue by horizontal partitioning fractions of data — small enough to fully reside in main memory, but require frequent maintenance to sustain search performance.To this end, firstly, we propose Multi-Version Partitioned BTrees (MV-PBT) as sole storage and index management structure in key-sorted storage engines like Key/Value-Stores. Secondly, we compare MV-PBT against LSM-Trees. The logical horizontal partitioning in MV-PBT allows leveraging recent advances in modern B+-Tree techniques in a small transparent and memory resident portion of the structure. Structural properties sustain steady read performance, even on historical data, and yield efficient write patterns as well as reduced write-amplification.We integrate MV-PBT in the WiredTiger key/value storage engine. MV-PBT offers an up to 2x increased steady throughput in comparison to LSM-Trees and several orders of magnitude in comparison to B+-Trees in a YCSB workload. Moreover, MV-PBT exhibits robust time-travel query performance and outperforms LSM-Trees by 20% and B+-Trees by an order of magnitude.

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