
As videotape gradually disappears from the broadcast plant, storage in a digital file format becomes more important. In most cases, this is a combination of spinning disk and removable media, either data tape or DVD. With that comes the management of material as it moves from video server to nearline to archive, and back again. The class of software products that perform this function are generally called hierarchical storage management or HSM systems. This is actually a misnomer, in that, HSM refers to a specific type of storage management rather than a product category. HSM is often used as a catchall term for two categories of file management: storage management and file backup. Storage management really consists of four broad subcategories of products, each having advantages and disadvantages, as it applies to on-air, production, and news environments. Specifically, the subcategories are shared file systems, HSM systems, disk extenders, and data movers. Related to, but completely different from storage management is file backup, which also often gets included with HSM. In the category of file backup are subcategories of mirroring, simple backup, and disaster recovery.

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