
Most Canadian grain (>70% of harvests) is stored on the farm. High moisture content of grain at harvest rapidly leads to spoilage and occasionally the production of the mycotoxins sterigmatocystin, ochratoxin A, or citrinin. Near ambient drying systems that consist of an electrical fan at the base of a granary blowing air into a plenum beneath a perforated floor under stored grain is relatively economical. Heat produced by the fan can dry grain by 2% moisture content in 2 months at a cost for electricity of Can. $0.87/tonne. Hot air dryers are used on wet grain at harvest to rapidly lower 21% moisture content maize to 15% moisture content at a cost of Can. $7.80/tonne for propane plus aeration costs to cool the grain. Procedures for safe storage of grain are outlined and the capabilities and planned use of a new grain storage research facility at the University of Manitoba are discussed.

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