
Aim: The aim of the study was to examine whether the Stop GnRH-agonist combined with multiple-dose GnRH-antagonist protocol may overcome progesterone elevation during the late follicular phase. Patients and Methods: A cohort historical, proof of concept study consisting of 11 patients with progesterone elevation (>3.1 nmol/L) during conventional IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), who underwent a subsequent Stop GnRH-agonist combined with multiple-dose GnRH-antagonist ovarian stimulation (OS) protocol, within 3 months of the previous failed conventional IVF/ICSI cycle. Results: The Stop GnRH-agonist combined with multiple-dose GnRH-antagonist COH protocol revealed significantly lower peak progesterone levels, with significantly higher numbers of follicles >13 mm in diameter on the day of hCG administration, oocytes retrieved, mature oocytes, and top-quality embryos, with an acceptable clinical pregnancy rate (18.2%). Conclusions: The combined Stop GnRH-ag/GnRH-ant OS protocol is a valuable tool in the armamentarium for treating patients with progesterone elevation during the late follicular phase. Further large prospective studies are needed to validate our observation and to characterize the appropriate patients’ subgroup, which might benefit from the combined Stop GnRH-ag/GnRH-ant COH protocol.

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