
Several techniques such as invasive and noninvasive are used for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection. The aim of this study was to compare the results of rapid urease test, stool antigen test and serology in diagnosing H. pylori infection in Cameroon. Hundred patients (66 women and 34 men) were enrolled. Each patient gave a written consent. The study was approved by the local Ethical Committee of Medical Sciences and the institutional review board. From each patient, blood, stool and gastric biopsies samples were collected for H. pylori detection using three methods: stool antigen test, serology and rapid urease test (RUT), taken as gold standard. Statistical analysis was performed using Graph pad Prism 7. Helicobacter pylori infection was detected in 43%, 45% and 73% of patients based on the RUT, stool antigen test and serology, respectively. The difference was statistically significant between serology and RUT (P = 0.0026), but not between stool antigens test and RUT (P = 0.288). Taken RUT as gold standard, the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of stool antigens test and serology were 65.11, 70.17, 62.22 and 72.72%; 88.37, 40.35, 55.77 and 82.14%, respectively. The accuracy of stool antigen test and serology was 68 and 61%, respectively. Our finding showed that stool antigen test can be used as a noninvasive method of assessment of H. pylori infection in our setting. Serological test can be used in screening; however, further diagnostic tests need to be carried out to confirm seropositive cases.

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