
To Editor: —In a recent communication from your regular correspondent of Budapest (The Journal, May 23, p. 1587) reference is made to the medical specialties in which specialists are legally recognized. Among specialties enumerated, your correspondent mentions dentistry. In a recent issue, following reference was made to stomatology: Stomatology signifies that branch of medical science which has for its purposes study and treatment of diseases of mouth (The Journal, Nov. 22, 1924, p. 1696). Dentistry, on other hand is not a specialty of medicine. Because in United States terms dentist and dentistry do not mean a specialist in medicine and specialty of medicine, respectively, there seems to be a confusion in minds of American readers as to status of stomatology (dentistry) as a specialty of medicine in Europe. Apropos of this subject, I received, May 15, from Prof. Dr. Joseph

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