
Research conducted in plant Systematics Laboratory of the Department of Biology University of North Sumatra. Semi-permanent preparation method for paradermal layer with a simple scraping method that modified. Samples were obtained by conducting a collection into the habitat and using Nepenthes specimens in the Herbarium Medanense (MEDA). Observation of anatomical characteristics conducted in plant structure Laboratory of North Sumatera University. Stomata observed in 32 Nepenthes, 4 of which have a companion cell and epidermis cell whose cell walls are wavy. These types are Nepenthes sp., N. pectinata, N. rhombicaulis, and N. ampullaria. Some other species have crystals in the companion cells and epidermis cells, such as N. lingulata and N. mirabilis. The size of the stomata varies greatly among all types found. N. rafflesiana has the smallest size of 34.43 μm2, while the largest size can found in the N. ovata type with 165.78 μm2 and N. spectabilis x N. Above with 160.48 μm2. The stomata frequency per unit area also varies and shows the correlation between the stomata size and frequency. N. x hookeriana and N. x trichocarpa are two types with the highest stomata frequency while Nepenthes sp. has the least number of frequencies.

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