
Repository of Low and Intermediate Level Solid Radioactive Wastes (ILRW) is accepted to deal with the ILRW produced from fast development of nuclear power industry and other fields. In performance assessment of the potential geologic repository, modeling plays a very important role in addition to experimental inverstigations. In addition to experimental inverstigations modeling has also to be used for these purposes. In the paper, stochastic mathematical theories were used for calculating the radionuclide transport in fractured rock masses at Repository of Low and Intermediate Level Solid Radioactive Wastes. To better understand about the dangers of public for radiation and the nuclides transport in fractured rock masses at low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste disposal, the paper builds three dimensional stochastic seepage grid model to describe radionuclide transport in fractured rock masses based on three-dimensional directional seepage theory that is built into percolation mechanics, sets up a rigorous computer simulating system to calculate the radionuclide transport and safety performance of the Repository of Low and Intermediate Level Solid Radioactive Wastes based on computing technology. Finally, To illustrate the precision and validity of this model that is built into the stochastic mathematical theories or computing technology, the simulation experiments are carried out to understand law of radionuclide transport.

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