
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a parameter of prime importance in surface water pollution studies and in the design and operation of waste-water treatment plants. A general, stochastic analytical model (denoted S1) is developed for the temporal expectation and (heteroscedastic) variance of first-order BOD kinetics. The model is obtained by integrating the moment equation, which is derived from the mathematical theory of stochastic differential equations. This model takes into account random initial conditions, random inputs, and random coefficients, which appear in the model formulation as initial condition ( σ O 2), input ( σ l 2), and coefficient ( σ c 2) variance parameters, respectively. By constraining these three variance parameters to either vanish or to be nonnegative, model S1 is allowed (under appropriate combinations of the constraints) to split into six stochastic “submodels” (denoted S2 to S7), with each of these submodels being a particular case of the general model. Model S1 also degenerates to the deterministic model (denoted D) when each of the variance parameters vanish. The deterministic parameters (i.e., the rate coefficient and the ultimate BOD) and the stochastic variance parameters of the seven models are estimated on sets of replicated BOD data using the maximum likelihood principle. In this study, two (S5 and S7) of these seven stochastic models are found to be appropriate for BOD. The stochastic input (S5) model (i.e., null initial condition and coefficient variance parameters) shows the best prediction capabilities, while the next best is the stochastic initial condition (S7) model (i.e., null input and coefficient variance parameters).

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