
As we all know, summer fishing moratorium is an internationally recognized management measure of fishery, which can protect stock of fish and promote the balance of marine ecology. In this paper, control is used to simulate this management strategy, which is the first attempt in theoretical analysis and the intermittence fits perfectly the moratorium. As an application, a stochastic two-prey one-predator Lotka-Volterra model with intermittent capture is considered. Modeling ideas and analytical skills in this paper can also be used to other stochastic models. In order to deal with intermittent capture in stochastic model, a new time-averaged objective function is proposed. Besides, the corresponding optimal harvesting strategies are obtained by using the equivalent method (equivalency between time-average and expectation). Theoretical results show that intermittent capture can affect the optimal harvesting effort, but it cannot change the corresponding optimal time-averaged yield, which are accord with observations. Finally, the results are illustrated by practical examples of marine fisheries and numerical simulations.

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