
Proton spectra, valid from non- to ultra-relativistic energies, resulting from stochastic Fermi acceleration in solar flares are calculated. These spectra were obtained by numerically solving the Fokker-Planck equation, in which the escape of the particles from the acceleration region is characterized by an energy-independent escape time. In addition to equilibrium spectra, time-dependent energy spectra showing the approach to equilibrium are also presented. These numerical equilibrium spectra are compared with previous results which were obtained either by Monte Carlo simulations or approximate analytical treatments. There are no analytic solutions valid in the transrelativistic regime, which is very important for the production of pions and neutrons in solar flares. The acceleration efficiency is related to physical parameters, in particular the energy density in either magnetosonic or Alfven waves, and a lower limit is placed on either of these energy densities from acceleration times implied by gamma-ray observations. Also discussed is the physical interpretation of the escape time.

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