
In the current paper, we further search for certainty of our innovative stochastic dynamic (SD) simplistic model formula D”SD = 2.6388.10-17. (<I2>-<I>2) connecting among the so-called mass spectrometric SD diffusion parameter DSD parameter, the mass spectrometric measurable variable intensity, and the analyte concentration in solution. Since this equation has been derived more recently from our basic, but a more complex, formula for a large number of practical purposes of the analytical chemistry such a simplistic relationship is sufûcient significantly. Therefore, the motivation behind this work is further experimental justiûcation of the validity of this formula that is required in order to successfully apply the new model to the analytical practice. The quantification is carried out by studying reserpine (1) in solution at an analyte concentration of ng.(mL)-1. The capability of the model equation to express quantitatively the analyte concentration in solution is tested with independent chromatographic analysis. Correlation between chromatographic and mass spectrometric (MS) data is carried out by means of chemometrics. The diffusion parameters according to our stochastic dynamic concept and the simplistic model formula presented above and the corresponding diffusion data according to the current monitoring method (CMM) are correlated mutually, as well.

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