
There exist different notions of a solution to a semilinear stochastic differential equation (SSDE). We define strong, weak (in the sense of duality), mild, and martingale solutions, and study the problem of existence and uniqueness. As in the deterministic case, for example in Pazy (Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations. Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 44. Springer, New York 1983), we first study solutions to a stochastic counterpart of the deterministic inhomogeneous Cauchy problem and we highlight the role played by the stochastic convolution. The SSDE’s we investigate are allowed to depend on the entire past of the solution which significantly broadens the field of applications. The existence result for mild solutions is first obtained for equations with Lipschitz coefficients. In the special case of equations depending only on the presence, we discuss the Markov property, dependence of the solution on the initial condition, including differentiability, and the Kolmogorov backward equation. We also study SSDE’s with continuous coefficients, and present an existence result for martingale solutions, but due to the failure of the Peano theorem, a compactness assumption is added for the associated semigroup, as in DaPrato and Zabczyk (Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, vol. 44. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1992). We also present an existence result for SSDE’s driven by a cylindrical Wiener process.

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