
Heat-sensitive (arrested at 39.5°C, multiplying at 33°C) and cold-sensitive (arrested at 33°C, multiplying at 39.5°C) cell-cycle mutants of the P-815-X2 murine mastocytoma line were used for the preparation of cell extracts. These were tested for their effects on DNA synthesis in ‘gently lysed cells’ (obtained by treatment with 0.01% Brij-58) or ‘highly lysed cells’ (obtained by treatment with 0.1% Brij-58). Gently lysed cells prepared from proliferating P-815-X2 or mutant cells incorporated [ 3H]dTTP efficiently, while highly lysed cells exhibited a low level of [ 3H]dTTP incorporation which was markedly increased by the addition of extracts from proliferating cells. Extracts prepared from arrested mutant cells, however, were found to inhibit DNA synthesis by gently and highly lysed cells prepared from proliferating cells. After return of arrested mutant cells to the permissive temperature, stimulating activity in cell extracts reappeared at the time of reentry of cells into S phase. Both stimulatory and inhibitory activities were associated with material(s) of molecular weight above 25 000, but differed in heat sensitivity and in sensitivity to immobilized proteinase and ribonuclease. Extracts from arrested cells counteracted the stimulating effects of extracts from proliferating cells with kinetics suggesting competitive interaction between stimulating and inhibitory factors.

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