
Intrinsic and extrinsic apoptosis are both characterised by the presence of cytochrome c (cyto-c) in the cytosol. We present data on the extra-mitochondrial NADH oxidation catalysed by exogenous (cytosolic) cyto-c, as a possible answer to the paradox of apoptosis being an energy-dependent program but characterized by the impairment of the respiratory chain. The reduction of molecular oxygen induced by the cytosolic NADH/cyto-c pathway is coupled to the generation of an electrochemical proton gradient available for ATP synthesis. Original findings show that SH reagents inhibit the NADH/cyto-c system with a conformational change mechanism. The mitochondrial integrity-test of sulfite oxidase unequivocally demonstrates that this enzyme (120kDa) can be released outside but exogenous cyto-c (12.5kDa) does not permeate into mitochondria. Valinomycin at 2nM stimulates both the energy-dependent reversible mitochondrial swelling and the NADH/cyto-c oxidation pathway. The pro-apoptotic activity of valinomycin, as well as to the dissipation of membrane potential, can be also ascribed to the increased activity of the NADH/cyto-c oxidation pathway useful as an additional source of energy for apoptosis. It can be speculated that the activation of the NADH/cyto-c system coupled to valinomycin-induced mitochondrial osmotic swelling may represent a strategy to activate apoptosis in confined solid tumours.

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