
The effects of human calcitonin (HCT) on the distal tubule were investigated by micropuncture in hormone-deprived rats, i.e. in the absence of parathyroid hormone, antidiuretic hormone and glucagon, which might have masked these effects. Two groups of rats were studied: hormone-deprived and hormone-deprive + HCT, infused at 1.0 mU/min X 100 g.b.w. In the urine, HCT markedly reduced Ca and Mg excretion whereas excretion of water, Na and K was not significantly affected. Along the distal tubule, HCT strongly enhanced Na, Cl, Mg, Ca and total solute reabsorption, decreased K secretion but did not alter water or phosphate transport. It is concluded that HCT stimulated Na, Cl, Ca and Mg reabsorption. If, as suggested, HCT also stimulated the reabsorptive component of K transport, the hormone should therefore elicit the same physiological effects in the distal tubule and the thick ascending limb.

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