
The purpose of this study was to investigate the amplitude properties of the artifact generated on the recorded surface electromyography (EMG) signals during transcutaneous electrical muscle stimulation. The factors which were investigated are the shape of the stimulation waveform, the distance of the stimulating electrode from the recording system, the interelectrode distance of the detection system, the spatial filter used for signal detection, and the stimulation current amplitude. Surface EMG signals were recorded during electrical stimulation of the biceps brachii motor point with a linear adhesive array of eight electrodes. Electrical stimulation was applied with seven stimulation waveforms (mono- and biphasic triangular, sinusoidal, and rectangular), generated by a specifically designed neuromuscular stimulator with hybrid output stage. The stimulation peak current was linearly increased from 0 mA to the maximum tolerated by the subject. The detection systems investigated were single and double differential with interelectrode distances multiple of 5 mm. Two trials for each contraction were performed on three different days. The average rectified artifact values (both absolute and normalized with respect to the corresponding M-wave values) were computed to investigate the artifact amplitude properties. Results indicated that, while the artifact average rectified value, normalized with respect to the M-wave amplitude, depended on the distance of the detecting electrodes from the stimulation point, it did not depend on the stimulation waveform, on the current intensity, on the interelectrode distance, and on the spatial filter. It was concluded that, using hybrid stimulation techniques, the selection of particular stimulation waveforms, interelectrode distances, or spatial filters has a minor effect on the reduction of the artifact when recording M-waves.

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