
Antibiotic tolerant bacteria and persistent cells that remain alive after a course of antibiotic treatment can foster the chronicity of infections and the development of antibiotic resistance. Elucidating how bacteria overcome antibiotic action and devising strategies to bolster a new drug's activity can allow us to preserve our antibiotic arsenal. Here, we investigate strategies to potentiate the activities of topoisomerase inhibitors against nongrowing Escherichia coli that are often recalcitrant to existing antibiotics. We focus on sensitizing bacteria to the fluoroquinolone (FQ) levofloxacin (Levo) and to the spiropyrimidinetrione zoliflodacin (Zoli)-the first antibiotic in its class of compounds in clinical development. We found that metabolic stimulation either alone or in combination with inhibiting the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump sensitized stationary-phase E. coli to Levo and Zoli. We demonstrate that the added metabolites increased proton motive force generation and ATP production in stationary-phase cultures without restarting growth. Instead, the stimulated bacteria increased transcription and translation, which rendered the populations more susceptible to topoisomerase inhibitors. Our findings illuminate potential vulnerabilities of antibiotic-tolerant bacteria that can be leveraged to sensitize them to new and existing classes of topoisomerase inhibitors. These approaches enable us to stay one step ahead of adaptive bacteria and safeguard the efficacy of our existing antibiotics.

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