
The technique of stimulated Raman shortcut to adiabatic passage (STIRSAP) is implemented to chainwise and N-pod systems. In chainwise systems, for large detuning conditions, the population of the middle states can be suppressed during the time evolution of the system and therefore, the Hamiltonian of an N-state system is reduced to an effective two-level system, using adiabatic elimination technique. Applying the STIRSAP method in two-level systems, the modified Rabi frequencies for fast population transfer are achieved. For N + 1-pod systems, assuming that N Stokes pulses have the same time dependence, we reduce the Hamiltonian of the original system to a three-state system. For both resonance and detuning conditions, we can reduce the three-state Hamiltonian to an effective two-state one. Using the STIRSAP technique, robust population transfer can be achieved from an initial ground state to an arbitrary coherent superposition of all ground states.

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