
In Guava and its relative, stigma were non-receptive prior to and after flower opening of 24 hours except in P. cattleianum and P, cattlejanum var lucidum. Stigma was green, lustrous and sticky at the time of flower opening and faded from second day on- 'wards. All species were self compatible except P. cattle ianum P cattleianum var lucidum and P. friedrichsthalienum. The flower drop ranged guava cultivars shedded from 22-79 per cent in guava cultivar while in the relatives it was 12-100 per cent. Flower abnormality and cross and selfpollination were observed in both the guava cultivars and its relatives The cultivar Seedless was inclened to more of self pollination, where as 100 per cent self incompatibility was recorded in P. friedrichst haljanum. However, in all species the fruits resulting from selfpollination were small.

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