
Sexual incompatibility due to differences in mate-recognition systems can be an important factor in preventing hybridization and gene flow between animal populations in sympatry. We tested in the laboratory for sexual incompatibility between populations of two species of desmognathine salamanders that occur in sympatry in south-eastern Kentucky, North America, Desmognathus monticola and D. welteri (Caudata: Plethodontidae: Desmognathinae). Spermatophore deposition and insemination (two related measures of sexual success) were frequent in intraspecific encounters, but interspecific encounters never resulted in the deposition of spermatophores by males (Experiment 1). The sexual behaviour patterns of these two species are similar qualitatively, but all encounters staged between them failed to progress beyond the most preliminary of courtship interactions (Experiment 2), perhaps due to species differences in chemosensory communication. Our data on sexual incompatibility between D. monticola and D. welteri are similar to those available for other desmognathine taxa that occur in sympatry. Review of a broader data-set on patterns of sexual incompatibility both within and between species, and in allopatry and in sympatry, provides evidence for both divergence of mate-recognition systems in allopatry and enhancement of sexual incompatibility in sympatry for desmognathine salamanders. We hypothesize that diversification in allopatry may be a consequence of natural and/or sexual selection acting to promote sexual success within populations. Enhancement in sympatry may be a consequence of subsequent selection for accurate species recognition under the threat of hybridization or gene flow between species.

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