
Stiffness degradation, G/G0, curves of Champlain clay at St-Adelphe, Quebec, and the associated variation of its damping ratio with shear strain are constructed in this study using the new combined triaxial simple shear (TxSS) apparatus. The apparatus offers the ability to obtain the stiffness (G/G0) and damping ratio of soils over a wide strain spectrum from 0.001% to 10%. The value of the small-strain stiffness of the tested clay is further confirmed through another series of piezoelectric ring-actuator technique (P-RAT) tests. Although, the stiffness degradation curve of the tested clay follows to some extent traditional curves suggested in the literature, the examined Champlain clay exhibits a different trend with respect to hysteresis damping, especially at large strains (>1%), and available analytical models could not successfully predict the damping behavior of the Champlain clay at such a strain level. A new constitutive model is therefore presented as a modification of the original Sig4 model considering the pore-water pressure built up with shear strain. Stiffness degradation and damping ratio versus shear strain curves of Champlain clays estimated using the proposed soil model are similar to their experimentally determined counterparts even at large shear strains where other models tend to misjudge the damping behavior of the clay.

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