
What kinds of cues increase imitative fidelity in early childhood? The effects of multiple models and verbal framing were examined in preschool children (N=259, 3–6-year-olds). Each participant was presented with one of eight possible combinations of type of modeling and verbal frame. The type of modeling involved: (i) a single model offering two demonstrations, (ii) two successive models each offering a single demonstration, (iii) two synchronous models each offering two demonstrations, or (iv) two synchronous models each offering a single demonstration. The verbal frame preceding the demonstrations emphasized either the instrumental outcome of the actions or their conventionality. Imitative fidelity was highest for the synchronous models (types iii and iv) and lowest for the single model (type i). Imitative fidelity was also higher for the convention-oriented than the outcome-oriented frame and higher for older than younger children. Children also provided more conventional explanations for their actions after viewing the synchronous models and after the convention-oriented framing. The results indicate that children’s imitative fidelity depends on the number of actors and the way the actions are framed.

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