
CYP1B1 activates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon carcinogens in cAMP-regulated tissues such as the adrenal, ovary, and testis. A 27-fold cAMP stimulation of the CYP1B1-luciferase reporter in Y-1 adrenal cells depends entirely on a far upstream enhancer region (FUER; -5298 to -5110). Cooperative participation of multiple steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) elements with the downstream cAMP response element (CRE) in FUER is essential for both basal and cAMP-stimulated activities of FUER. Basal and induced activities were similarly lowered by DAX-1, an SF-1 suppressor, and raised by steroid receptor coactivator 1, an SF-1 coactivator. cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein (CBP) that interacts preferentially with the phosphorylated-CREB increased the cAMP-induced FUER. 10T1/2 cells and human embryonic kidney (HEK)293 cells do not express SF-1. Introduction of exogenous SF-1 generated cAMP stimulation of the FUER in 10T1/2 fibroblasts. The same transfection only increased basal activity of FUER in HEK293 cells, despite presence of active CREB in cells. HEK293 cells therefore remain deficient in additional factor(s) critical to the cAMP stimulation of CYP1B1. Mutations of the protein kinase A (PKA) and the mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation sites (Ser-430 and Ser-203) on SF-1 had no effect on the SF-1-dependent FUER stimulation in Y-1 and 10T1/2 cells. This contrasts with loss of activity with mutation of CREB at PKA phosphorylation site (Ser-133). SF-1 phosphorylation at these sites is therefore not essential for the cAMP stimulation and the cooperation with CREB. cAMP-enhanced activation protein 1 (AP-1) and stimulatory protein 1 (Sp1) complexes in the proximal promoter region contributed substantially to both basal and cAMP-stimulated FUER activity. Chromatin immunoprecipitation from primary rat adrenal cells demonstrated cAMP stimulation of histone acetylation proximal to, respectively, the FUER and AP-1 sites of CYP1B1.

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