
One of the first group’s toaddress these patient safety issues was the NationalCoordinating Committee on Large Volume Parenteral (NCCLVP). Parenteral medications are products which are introduced in a manner which circumvents the body’s most protective barriers, the skin and mucous membranes, and, therefore, must be “essentially” free of biological contamination. Most are injected or placed into the body tissues and do not pass thru the liver before entering the bloodstream. This can include injections, topical and inhalation routes. Generally in pharmacy, parenteral refers to injection and the topical and inhalation routes are separated into their own routes of administration. NCCLVP was established by the US Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc., and subsequently developedand recommended standards of practice for the preparation, labeling, and quality assurance of hospital pharmacyadmixture services. Parenteral administration of drug is often critical and associated with problems such as limited number of acceptable excipients, stringent requirements of aseptic production process, safety issues, and patient noncompliance. Still this route maintains its value due to special advantages like quicker onset of action in case of emergency; target the drug quickly to desired site of action, prevention of first pass metabolism etc. This review highlightsformulation of parenteral product and advanced techniques involved in parenteral products.  Keywords: NCCLVP, LVP, Aseptic area, GMP etc.

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