
Steric forces between polymer brushes and atomic force microscope tips were investigated. We studied two systems: polystyrene (PS) grafted to silicon in cyclohexane and poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(methacrylic acid) (PEO/PMAA) diblock copolymer adsorbed with the PMAA block to aluminum oxide in aqueous medium. On approach exponentially decaying repulsive forces were observed in both systems. With a homemade heat stage we could adjust the temperature. Increasing the temperature between 19 and 53 °C led to a linear increase of the decay length for PS in cyclohexane. Also the work required to bring the tip to a certain distance increased roughly linearly with temperature. This supports the view that the repulsion is of entropic origin. At the same time this demonstrates that the temperature dependence of surface forces could be routinely measured. For PEO in water the repulsive force was not significantly affected by a change in temperature. Approaching and retracting parts of force curves measured with PS in c...

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