
The objective of this study was to explore the use of gender stereotypes in designing cartoons targeting women in politics by Gado, a cartoonist in The Kenya’s Daily Nation newspaper. This is an analysis of a specific tool used to convey gendered messages often ignored perhaps because cartoons tend to be humorous and satirical concealing the irony, satire and the serious messages behind the simple strokes. Data for analysis was received from 362 people using questionnaires as well as using content analysis analyzing 20 gendered cartoons. Whether intended or otherwise, gendered messages were portrayed even from simple gestures, signs, symbols and illustrations. 63% of the respondents said they are influenced by the cartoons drawings while 58% said negative portrayal of women in politics makes them doubt women’s’ ability to play politics. Women, often drawn frightened, weak, smaller and fearful indicates women live under attack of males in a perceived male dominated society. In the 70% of texts, 80% images, 85% size and 85% of themes, gendered stereotypes were observed. The images used were published between January 2009 and December 2013. The study recommended ethnographic research be conducted to identify more accurate responses on effects and attitudes of these gendered cartoons.

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