
Mine planning software today is an essential counterpart of an efficient management. Expensive, true to life pictures which explained spatially complex matters of geologic-mining processes had already been made by medieval experts. Modern computers with high resolution graphics, equipped with high-capacity processors and complex data banks, take over the management, weighing out, modelling and visualisation of geological and mine planing information. Visualisation of spatial information is particularly important. The more realistic geological and mining models are, the more persuasive they are. The result is reliability and quality of planning. It helps to escape mistakes in the preparation of planning, to concentrate more on the aspects of safety in mining and to receive generally positive economic effects. Moreover, it is possible to present to outsiders a virtual picture of mining intentions, which leads to more understanding, trust and acceptance A unique innovation was presented at the Freiberg University on 29 March 2000: an auto-stereoscopic display for a true 3D- visualisation in mine planning. The 3D display is a new invention of the Dresden University for Technology which offers totally new possibilities to use graphic software in mine planning.

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