
Stereological analysis of 10 oesophageal bulbs of Xiphinema index revealed the component parts and their fractional volumes to be dorsal gland cell (34 % ), subventral gland cells (25 % ), radial muscle (30 % ), peripheral muscle (3.9%), nerve (3.4%), basement membrane (3.2%) and pump wall (0.99%). Although there were significant differences in the proportions of several components from bulb to bulb, brief starvation was not found to have an effect when comparing whole bulbs. The mean rotated volume of oesophageal bulbs measured in glutaraldehyde-fixed nematodes was 49,806 μm3. Sections of the bulb stained with the periodic acid-Schiff reaction revealed an intense staining of the basement membrane and general faint staining of the gland and muscle tissues. Electron histochemistry confirmed these findings and showed in addition an intense staining of the membrane lining of the dorsal gland ducts and the enclosing membrane of the secretory granules of the subventral glands. The secretory granules of the dorsal gland cell did not stain for carbohydrates.

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