
A prospective case control study conducted at Basrah maternity and child hospital and Basrah medical college. The study includes twenty samples of placental tissue from gestational diabetic pregnant women and ten samples of placental tissue from normal pregnant women ( control group). Tissue sections of all samples were stained by Haematoxylin and eosinand examined under light microscope with screen for stereological investigation to the placental barrier stereological quantitation of placental barrier; comparison between different placental barrier parameters of the placenta in normal and gestational diabetes. Although there is an increase in all means of placental barrier parameters in placenta of gestational diabetes pregnant women than placenta of normal pregnant women but there is no statistical difference at (P<0.05).There are only exception that (TDD,FBP and MBP are statistically differ at(P<o.05) tables (1,2). In addition: Qualitative (morphological observations and structural) changes are obtained as following:-Differences in thickness of the syncytiotrophoblast and basement membrane thickness in villi more marked in gestational diabetes. Thrombosis of fetal arteries and infracted villi more than normal some regions have extensive infraction than other regions. Villous vessels with multilayered and fibrinoid necrosis of villi more in gestational diabetes.Capillary proliferation and cellularity were increased in gestational diabetes. Fibrosis of villi in gestational diabetes.

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