
The rationale and the surgical technique of stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG)-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RF-TC) in the epileptogenic zone (EZ) of patients with difficult-to-treat focal epilepsy are described in this article. The application of the technique in pediatric patients is also detailed. Stereotactic ablative procedures by RF-TC have been employed in the treatment of epilepsy since the middle of the last century. This treatment option has gained new popularity in recent decades, mainly because of the availability of modern imaging techniques, which allow accurate targeting of intracerebral epileptogenic structures. SEEG is a powerful tool for identifying the EZ in the most challenging cases of focal epilepsy by recording electrical activity with tailored stereotactic implantation of multilead intracerebral electrodes. The same recording electrodes may be used to place thermocoagulative lesions in the EZ, following the indications provided by intracerebral monitoring. The technical details of SEEG implantation and of SEEG-guided RF-TC are described herein, with special attention to the employment of the procedure in pediatric cases. SEEG-guided RF-TC offers a potential therapeutic option based on robust electroclinical evidence with acceptable risks and costs. The procedure may be performed in patients who, according to SEEG recording, are not eligible for resective surgery, and it may be an alternative to resective surgery in a small subset of operable patients.

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