
The performance of stereo vision tasks degrades when haze exists in the input stereo image pair. Independently applying single image dehazing algorithm on left and right images is not optimal. To overcome the problem, we propose an effective framework, called SRDNet, for simultaneously dehazing stereo images. The main idea of SRDNet is to make full use of the stereo information from cross views improving dehazing performance. It does not explicitly employ the disparity estimation and the correlation matrix. SRDNet comprises two parts: a weight-sharing coarse dehazing network (WSCDN) and a guided separated refinement network (GSRN). The WSCDN is utilized to predict a coarse dehazed image pair. Then the GSRN is introduced to predict the residues for different views by extracting the fused information of cross views and separating the features of different views with a guided channel and spatial refinement module. The residues are added to the coarse dehazed pair so as to make refinement and remove the remained haze. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed SRDNet surpasses previous image dehazing methods by a significant margin both quantitatively and qualitatively. Moreover, our SRDNet could be a preprocessing step of the stereo-based 3D object detection and boosts the 3D detection accuracy in hazy scenes.

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