
We have employed hybrid DFT and SCS-MP2 calculations at the SMD-PCM-6-311++G(2d,2p)//6-31+G(d) level to investigate the relationship between three possible channels for forming a Diels-Alder adduct from a highly nucleophilic diene and moderately to highly electrophilic dienophiles. We discuss geometries optimized using the B3LYP and M06-2X functionals with the 6-31+(d) basis set. The transition states and intermediates are characterized on the basis of geometric and electronic properties, and we also address the possibility of predicting detectability of a zwitterionic intermediate based on its relative stability. Our results show that a conventional Diels-Alder transition state conformation yields intermediates in all four investigated cases, but that these are too short-lived to be detected experimentally for the less activated reactants. The stepwise trans pathway, beginning with a conjugate addition-like transition state, becomes increasingly competitive with more activated reactants and is indeed favored for the most electrophilic dienophiles. Addition of a trans diene leads to a dead-end as the trans intermediates have insurmountable rotation barriers that prohibit formation of the second bond, unless another, heterocyclic intermediate is formed. We also show that introduction of a hydrogen bond donating catalyst favors a stepwise pathway even for less activated dienophiles.

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