
In this study, the traditional DPSIR (Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Response) framework was extended to use for the analysis of the assessment and management of fisheries resources, by adding measures(M) as another new element to be DPSIRM. Marine fisheries are usually carried out to obtain foods from the seas and oceans, which are the main driver(D) of the framework. The fishing operations affect the marine ecosystems as pressures(P). Such pressure will cause the state(S) of ecosystem component, such as changes in abundance and distribution of fish, and deterioration of the marine environment. These changes will have impacts(I) in the productivity and economy of fisheries. In response(R) to these impacts, various scientific management advice will be proposed, which will be developed into measures (M), such as policy-making or legislation. This DPSIRM framework was used to analyze and evaluate the ecosystem-based fisheries assessment and management (EBFAM) approach. An EBFAM approach with a link to the DPSIRM framework makes it easy to identify each element of DPSIRM that corresponds to a step in the EBFAM process. Thus, in the event of uncertainty in the fisheries assessment and management system, based on a feedback system that uses the framework as a complementary and synergistic approach. The EBFAM approach with links to the DPSIRM framework can ensure that each step of the assessment and management process is in the science domain or policy domain, which can enhance and strengthen the Science-Policy Interface(SCI) highlighted by the UN

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