
The article is devoted to the analysis of the measures taken by the countries of the European Union to ensure the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). As AI affects various areas of life, including the right to privacy, freedom of speech, equality and other constitutional rights, EU countries are focusing on developing policies, legislation and regulatory frameworks that protect citizens from the possible negative consequences of the use of AI. The article proposes to examine the following issues:1. Legislation and regulation: Describe the measures taken by EU countries to regulate the use of AI in order to ensure compliance with the constitutional rights of citizens. These can be data protection laws, development of ethical standards for AI, and other legal mechanisms.2. Privacy and data protection: Privacy violations are one of the main challenges associated with the development of AI. The article examines how EU countries treat this issue and what measures they take to protect citizens’ personal information.3. Ethical standards: Consideration of the development of ethical standards and principles for the use of AI, limiting the use of AI in areas that may violate constitutional rights, as well as the development of mechanisms for the prevention of violations and mechanisms for the protection of human rights.This article explores the steps European Union (EU) countries are taking to protect citizens’ constitutional rights in the context of the growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI). In the age of artificial intelligence, where technological progress creates new opportunities and challenges, the protection of basic rights and freedoms becomes especially relevant.The article examines various aspects of this issue, focusing on the steps the EU is taking to ensure the protection of constitutional rights in the context of artificial intelligence. The author analyzes legislative initiatives, political commitments and the role of various institutions in ensuring the protection of citizens’ rights.The article examines such issues as regulation of the use of artificial intelligence, protection of privacy and personal data, transparency and accountability for automated systems, as well as issues of discrimination and equality in the context of AI.The author concludes that EU countries are active in protecting the constitutional rights of citizens in the light of artificial intelligence. However, it also points to the need for further efforts to ensure effective legal protection and develop standards that take into account the unique challenges that AI development poses to society.This article is a useful resource for researchers, legislators, and anyone interested in protecting citizens’ rights in the context of artificial intelligence.

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