
This study aimed to determine the significant difference between the scores of the respondents before and after being exposed to stepladder technique in terms of articulation, logical organization, message, stage presence, and facial expressions. It sought answers to the questions: What is the pretest score of the respondents before being exposed to stepladder technique in terms of articulation, logical organization, message, stage presence, and facial expressions? What is the posttest score of the respondents after being exposed to stepladder technique in terms of articulation, logical organization, message, stage presence, and facial expressions? Is there a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the respondents before and after being exposed to stepladder technique in terms of articulation, logical organization, message, stage presence, and facial expressions? The respondents underwent the pretest. Then , stepladder technique was applied in the five literary lessons as an intervention. After all the lessons, the posttest was given. Finally, the posttest level of competence is significantly higher than the pretest, thus stepladder technique is effective. There is a significant difference between the respondents’ pretest and posttest scores. It improved their oral communication competence such as articulation, logical organization, message, stage presence, and facial expressions.

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