
Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disease characterised by episodes of Vertigo, fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss and Tinnitus, associated with Aural pressure Drop attacks (falls without loss of consciousness), Nystagmus, Headache and Nausea. Relapsing nature of the disease hampers the quality of life in patients. And also affects the psychosocial status of the patient. The main pathology occurs as the result of endo-lymphatic system distension, caused by the excessive accumulation of endolymph. This can result from excessive production or reduced absorption of endolymph or both. By knowing the pathology of the Meniere’s disease, clinical features and signs we can consider Karna Nada, Karna Kshweda, (Tinnitus) Badhirya (Hearing Loss) and Bhrama (vertigo) into consideration in which we encounter the vitiation of Karnagata Tarpaka Kapha and Vata. Hence treatment should be aimed at Agni deepana, Vata Anulomana, Vata Kapha Shamana. Nasya Karma, Karna Poorana, Shamana Snehapana, Snigdha Virechana can be employed in the management of Meniere’s Disease.

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