
A fast step response of an excitation system is critical for a synchronous generator in order to maintain stability under disturbances in the interconnected power grid. This is the main reason that the static excitation system has been preferred for large synchronous generators. Some transmission system operators even have requirements that the excitation system should be static for synchronous generators above a certain size. The requirement is set in order to fulfill a certain goal for the step time response. As technology progresses forward, the static excitation system will not any longer be the only option for a fast controllable excitation system. New brushless rotating excitation systems, with wireless control interfaces, can be even faster than the static excitation system. They also reduce the need of maintenance of the synchronous generator. With permanent magnet exciters, the excitation system can be independent from the grid, maintaining the excitation response under voltage dips in the power grid. This paper evaluates the dynamic performance of the static excitation system compared with different types of brushless rotating excitation systems.

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