
Developing denotational models for higher-order languages that combine probabilistic and nondeterministic choice is known to be very challenging. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach based on operational techniques. We study a higher-order language combining parametric polymorphism, recursive types, discrete probabilistic choice and countable nondeterminism. We define probabilistic generalizations of may- and must-termination as the optimal and pessimal probabilities of termination. Then we define step-indexed logical relations and show that they are sound and complete with respect to the induced contextual preorders. For may-equivalence we use step-indexing over the natural numbers whereas for must-equivalence we index over the countable ordinals. We then show than the probabilities of may- and must-termination coincide with the maximal and minimal probabilities of termination under all schedulers. Finally we derive the equational theory induced by contextual equivalence and show that it validates the distributive combination of the algebraic theories for probabilistic and nondeterministic choice.

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