
Abstract Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of silicon carbide (SiC) on off-oriented SiC{0001} substrates (step-controlled epitaxy) is reviewed. In step-controlled epitaxy, surface steps on off-oriented SiC{0001} substrates serve as a template which forces the replication of substrate polytype in the epilayer, and thereby homoepitaxy is realized. High quality of SiC epilayers has been elucidated through optical and electrical characterization. The background doping level could be reduced down to less than 1 × 10 14 cm −3 , and a high electron mobility of 851 cm 2 V −1 s −1 was obtained. Excellent doping controllability over a wide range has been achieved by in-situ doping of a nitrogen donor and an aluminum acceptor. High-voltage (greater than 1 kV) Schottky barrier diodes with low specific on-resistances (less than 5 mωcm −2 ) have been demonstrated by utilizing high-quality epilayers.

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