
Abstract The rate limiting enzyme of the polyamine pathway, SAT1, is significantly upregulated in non-cycling GSCs. However, higher SAT1 expression predicts poorer survival in GBM suggesting a role in quiescence and recurrence post-treatment. Treating GSCs with N1N11-Diethylnorspermine (DENSpm) recapitulates SAT1 upregulation and triggers a chemoprotective, long-term reversible growth arrest, while not affecting expression of stem, differentiation, nor senescence-associated markers. Remarkably, DENSpm strongly induces double-stranded RNA in GSCs. Interestingly, S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) is an essential aminopropyl donor for polyamine biosynthesis. We found a significant correlation between DNA methylation, SAM, and polyamines across GSCs suggesting that SAM depletion may cause epigenetic and post-transcriptional alterations leading to re-activation of endogenous retroviral elements (ERVs) and viral mimicry-driven quiescence. However, while we confirmed DENSpm-induced SAM depletion, we did not detect DNA, histone, nor RNA demethylation. Noteworthy, ERVs are the most accessible transposable elements in GSCs indicative of a poised state. Furthermore, the correlation between expression of ERVs and interferon stimulated genes reveals a spectrum of viral mimicry amongst GSCs. Using a larger cohort of GSCs and hfNSCs, we identified three DENSpm response subgroups. A resistant subgroup comprised of cells able to proliferate through treatment, a reversible one whereby cells become quiescent and readily re-enter cell cycle post-treatment, and an irreversible consisting of cells that enter a deep quiescent state which they cannot escape. Importantly, we found that DENSpm response correlates with the cell's basal inflammatory state and the activity of viral defense pathways. These results indicate that a viral mimicry-driven quiescence may be specific to slower-growing neurodevelopmental GSCs, while more proliferative, inflammatory-poised GSCs are impervious to these additional cues. We propose that polyamine metabolism, glioma stem cell hierarchy and tumour inflammatory context play a central role in regulating quiescence and have important clinical implications in the initial response to treatment, aggressiveness, and ultimately recurrence of GBM.

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