
The relative proximity of the Galactic massive black hole (MBH) offers a unique opportunity to study from up close the various modes in whichstars in the high density cusp around the MBH interact with it and with each other. Extensive, well documented observational effortsare directed at using stellar dynamics to determine the primary parameters of the central dark object, its mass, size, location, motion and nature. In this brief overview I will focus on other aspects of stellar processes near SgrA*: (1) The extreme conditions in the inner Galactic center (GC): highdensity, strong tidal fields and high velocities, and their implications for the stars there, specifically star-star interactions and masssegregation. (2) The prospects of probing post-Newtonian (PN) physics by high precision orbital solutions and by gravitational lensing effects.(3) The different modes of strong interactions of stars with the MBH and their observable consequences, and the important role of acceleratedrelaxation mechanisms.

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