
CONTEXTThe growing demand for beef in Indonesia, driven by population growth, urbanisation, and an emerging middle class, provides a significant opportunity for Indonesian smallholder cattle farmers. Effective innovation in the cattle sector is required to meet this demand and improve the livelihoods of local farmers. OBJECTIVEThis study aimed to understand whether and how Research for Development (R4D) projects can act as innovation intermediaries that enhance the performance of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) in the Indonesian beef sector. As a case study, we used an R4D project conducted in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Indonesia to explore the best practices and opportunities for improvement. METHODSWe qualitatively analysed data from the R4D project using six innovation intermediary functions. RESULTSThis case study partially succeeded in performing intermediary innovation functions. Strengths were noted in capacity building, provision of problem-solving information, and facilitation of collaborative knowledge generation. However, shortcomings were apparent in stakeholder engagement and in effectively addressing farmers' needs. R4D projects play a complex role as innovation intermediaries. A greater focus on participatory approaches, stakeholder engagement, and tailoring strategies to specific local conditions is required to achieve a significant impact. SIGNIFICANCEThis research highlights the operational intricacies and success determinants of innovation intermediaries in Indonesia's cattle farming sector. By adopting a recognised functional approach, we elucidate the challenges and potential of R4D projects, emphasising the necessity of sustained engagement and diverse stakeholder involvement.

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