
The crisis of the world economic system, erupted in the end of 2019 against the background of COVID-19 expansion resulted in considerable drop of the world steel products production practically in all the countries of the world. Decrease of steel production began in the IIH of 2019, mainly in July-August of 2019 and further in March-April of 2020. In the IQ of 2020, the world steel production declined by 1.4% down to 443 million tons comparing with the analogue period of 2019. At that China demonstrated growth by 1.2%, while in the EC counties the decrease accounted for 10%, in North America counties – by 4%, in South America countries – 7.1%, other countries of Asia, Africa and CIS also demonstrated the decrease. The dynamics of prices variation on some steel products, iron ore presented, which give the idea of the market state and tendencies of its variation in 2019–2020. In China in April of 2020 after cancellation of quarantine measures, a restoration of the industry began, the economy of China transferred from decline to growth and an active growth of domestic consumption of steel products got a significant effect not only on the volume of its production, but also made corrections in China’s behavior at the world market. As a result of year 2020, steel production in China exceeded one billion tons – 1054.4 million tons, which is 5.2% more comparing with 2019. Production of finished products increased also, import of iron ore into China in 2020 accounted for 1172 billion tons, which is 9.5% more comparing with 2019. As a result of 2020, the steel companies of China exported 53.7 million tons of steel, which is 16.5% lower than the 2019 index. Further the Chinese export will be contributed by an increase of demand at the world market and cancellation of restriction measures, imposed by some countries. While at all the regions of the world the crisis resulted in termination of some projects or their delays, in China against the background of the pandemic, several companies did nor cancel their investment plans as well as construction and commissioning of new plants was going on. Under conditions of the crisis the support of the state was very important, since the demand declined in all the industries, therefore many countries took urgent measures for stabilization of economies and support of population. Within the period of the pandemic, the China government bodies elaborated some measures to overcome its negative effect on the economy. In particular, the measures include allocation of money to stimulate the domestic consumption of steel products. In total in 2020 it was planned to invest about 800 billion of yuan (about USD 115 billion) in capital assets. According to forecasts, in 2021 comparing with 2020, the production and apparent consumption of steel in China will increase approximately by 2%, actual demand will increase by higher rate. The steel products with high added value will be in higher demand, including flat rolled products, rolled products of special steels, seamless pipes etc.


  • В конце 2019 г. – начале 2020 г. сокращение мирового производства и спроса на стальную продукцию стало результатом распространения негативных эффектов в экономике от принятых странами мер по сдерживанию COVID-19

  • According to forecasts, in 2021 comparing with 2020, the production and apparent consumption of steel in China will increase approximately by 2%, actual demand will increase by higher rate

  • СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ1. Материалы ОАО “Черметинформация”. 2019–2020. 2. Материалы и статистические данные WSA. 2019−2020. 3. Материалы статистических органов Китая. 2019–2020. 4. Материалы статистических органов зарубежных стран. 2019–2020. 5. Материалы зарубежных компаний. 2019–2020. 6. Материалы ИИС “Металлоснабжение и сбыт”. 7. Материалы информационных агентств. Поступила 25 февраля 2021 г

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Т/год позволяет наносить цинковые покрытия на полосу шириной от 800 до 1300 мм и толщиной от 0,18 до 1,5 мм, линия No 6 производительностью 400 тыс. Т/год ― на полосу шириной от 850 до 1600 мм и толщиной от 0,5 до 3 мм Введена в строй первая очередь нового металлургического комбината в составе: доменная печь объемом 3800 м3, два 210-т конвертера и стан горячей прокатки мощностью около 3 млн т/год. После реконструкции компания на заводе No 1 в Шанхае ввела в эксплуатацию двухручьевую слябовую МНЛЗ No 3 производительностью [2,3] млн т/год, которая имеет два ручья и производит слябы шириной от 1200 до 2300 мм Nanjing Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd (NISCO), завод Nanjing plant No 2, г. Luoyuan Minguang ― подразделение Sangang Minguang, округ Лоюань, провинция Фуцзянь Jiangsu Shagang Group, завод Zhangjiagang Works, г.

Changshu Longteng Special Steel
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