
The study investigates a common assumption from previous decades of educational sociology: Educational resistance seems to go hand in hand with strong local identity and belonging. In the early 1990s, the Norwegian sociologist Gunnar Jørgensen (1993) analysed how young people developed certain social roles in interactions with school and the local community. Based on school survey data from 2018, we present a quantitative analysis where we compared school rootedness and local community rootedness among students according to their educational resources. The study population consisted of students in upper secondary schools in Telemark, South-Eastern Norway (N=3510). Research questions: 1) Do students with less educational resources express less school rootedness and more local community rootedness compared to students with more educational resources? 2) Do students with less educational resources participate more in e-leisure, compared to students with more educational resources? The analysis showed that students with less educational resources expressed less school rootedness compared to students with more educational resources. Contrary to common assumptions as well as findings from Jørgensen’s study, students with less educational resources expressed less local community rootedness compared to other students. Furthermore, such students had higher frequencies with heavy e-leisure participation compared to other students, and more of them had friends with whom they only stayed in touch through the Internet. We discuss results in relation to “the schooled society” thesis (Baker, 2014), youth culture, and place theory. Finally, we question whether the classic geographical term placelessness (Relph, 1976) is appropriate to describe young students in lack of educational resources.


  • Skoleforankringer Den første problemstillingen vi undersøkte var om ungdom med slaurkjennetegn har svakere skoleforankring og sterkere lokal forankring enn ungdom uten slike kjennetegn

  • Uformelle ungdomsfelleskap som oppstår på fritida har tradisjonelt vært alternative arenaer for å etablere lokal identitet og gjøre hevd på stedet, men resultatene her viser at ungdom med mange slaurkjennetegn ikke er mer aktive på disse arenaene enn annen ungdom

  • Vi kan stille spørsmål om ikke «the schooled society» har en skjult læreplan som innpoder i ungdommene at det som skjer i klasserommet også omfatter, eller smitter over på, alle andre aktiviteter de deltar i

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Skoleforankringer Den første problemstillingen vi undersøkte var om ungdom med slaurkjennetegn har svakere skoleforankring og sterkere lokal forankring enn ungdom uten slike kjennetegn. Lokale forankringer i form av deltakelse i uformelle vennefellesskap Elever med flere slaurkjennetegn skilte seg i liten grad fra andre når det gjaldt det å «henge mye ute» på kveldene eller å være sammen med venner innendørs i hjemmene (Figur 2).

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