
The educational life of the modern school is a huge field for observation and analysis. A variety of technologies are used in the world to enhance cognitive activity and increase the role of independence in the activities of students creating new forms and methods within the educational process. STEAM technologies are actively used in the system of additional education. However, their use in the main educational process has not been practically studied. In the research materials, the works foreign and distant foreign and domestic scientists are considered. In most of the conducted works on STEAM education, opportunities are considered in the system of additional education and in the system of school education. In this article, we explore STEAM technologies as a way to form the professional competencies of future technicians. It should be noted that its implementation in STEAM education of the main criteria of professional competence such as: development of spatial thinking and ability to work with three-dimensional forms; development of creative abilities of students; familiarization with modern trends in design and architecture; advanced training in special professional programs; learn to organize your activity and pay for your idea in reality. This article explores STEAM technologies as a way to form the professional competencies of future technical specialists.

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