
The virtual world has a presence in the business of the emergence of a presence in the global market of Internet network, particularly with Expansion of Web 2.0 technologies and user-generated content has been created by the transformation into a need. Once all content has been produced in the traditional context of digitalisation and virtual characters created by the presence of people in this virtual world, with virtual exchanges are continuing and satisfaction of virtual needs. Experienced all the changes as a result of businesses also they are conducting themselves in the virtual world and the assets they move to the virtual world. Corporate blogs are also involved in the formation of all these; digital public relations and digital advertising stand. Corporate announce their names are businesses that operate in the virtual world through blogs, by providing awareness and create brand awareness are called to their consumers. This research examines that the digital games which are also active in the virtual world in the digital games industry within Turkey and in the Steam digital game most commonly played on the blog pages of the Steam Community, Spy, based on the data analyzed. Accordingly, discussed twenty digital game blog page, under uses of bloggers and the language, update content, interactivity, ease of use and connectivity categories have been examined in the context of blog quality index. Keywords: Digital games, Blogs, Corporate blogs, Steam community

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