
A steady state thermal-hydraulic analysis was performed to estimate the power density attainable with hydride-fueled boiling water reactor (BWR) cores with respect to that of an existing oxide BWR core chosen as reference. The power-limiting constraints taken into account were the minimum critical power ratio (MCPR), core pressure drop, fuel average and centerline temperature, cladding outer temperature, flow-induced vibrations and power/flow ratio. The study consisted of two independent analyses: a whole core analysis and a single bundle analysis. The whole core analysis was performed, with a fixed core volume, for both hydride and oxide fuel over hundreds of combinations of rod diameter–rod pitch, referred to as “geometries”, in the ranges 0.6 ≤ D ≤ 1.6 cm and 1.1 ≤ P/ D ≤ 1.6. For each geometry, the maximum achievable steady state core power was calculated. Preliminary neutronics results derived from a companion neutronic study were then overlaid on the whole-core thermal-hydraulic results to estimate the reduction in maximum achievable power caused by the application of neutronic constraints. The single bundle analysis was performed to compare in greater detail the thermal-hydraulic performance of a limited number of hydride and oxide fuel bundles having D and P values similar to those of the reference oxide bundle, and for which the compliance with neutronic constraints was demonstrated in a companion neutronic study. The study concluded that, if the core pressure drop is not allowed to increase above the reference core value, the power density increase attainable with hydride fuel is estimated to be in the range 0–15%. If the pressure drop is allowed to increase up to a value 50% higher than the reference core value, the power density increase is estimated to be in the range 25–45%. These power density increases, which are defined with respect to the reference oxide core, decrease about 10% if the comparison is made with respect to oxide designs resembling the most recent commercial high-performance oxide cores. The power gain capability of hydride fuel is primarily due to the possibility of: (1) replacing volumes occupied by water rods and water gaps in oxide fuel cores with fuel rods, thus increasing the heat transfer area per core volume, and (2) flattening the bundle pin-by-pin power distribution. The actual achievement of the above-mentioned power density increase is however conditioned to the compliance of hydride-fueled cores to safety requirements related to core behavior during transients, hydrodynamic stability and steam dryer performance, which are fields of study not addressed in this work. A potential 25–45% power density increase justifies however interest for further investigation on this alternative fuel.

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