
NASA presently maintains a worldwide system of ground tracking stations to provide communication support (tracking, telemetry and command) to all authorized user spacecraft missions. The set of ground stations supporting Earth orbiting missions, and their supporting communication links (called NASCOM) to various NASA centers, is designated as the Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (STDN). Major users of the STDN in the 1980's include LANDSAT-D, SEASAT-B and the Shuttle, all of which are capable of generating data at rates that cannot be handled by the present STDN ground stations. The expanded capabilities of the STDN in the 1980's to provide support to these missions and other users is addressed. The newest asset of the STDN, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) is described, as are the remaining STDN ground stations (called the GSTDN). The Shuttle communications support is not only for the Shuttle itself, but also for the Spacelab, attached payloads (within the Shuttle bay), and detached payloads being either deployed or retrieved by Shuttle. The specific communications support being provided by STDN (both by TDRSS and by the GSTDN) to the Shuttle is also described.

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