
The method of data collection was done by interviewing farmers directly (respondents) using questionnaires. There were 4 subdistricts those were being the targets of the population, namely from 13 subdistricts in Pamekasan District were the locations for maintaining sonok cattle. Cluster proporsive sampling was determined by the sample of respondents, that was the method of sampling by setting characteristics those were in accordance with the objectives and criteria, namely all of the Sonok cattle those were kept by farmers in 4 subdistricts in Pamekasan District which were the centers for Sonok cattle breeding. The reproduction status of Sonok cattle in Pamekasan District was quite good. The first age of marriage was 23.40 ± 4.17, S / C 1.59 ± 0.53 times, the distance between young calf 14.50 ± 1.83 months, and the value of reproductive efficiency (ER) is 90.51%. The natural increase (NI) value of Sonok cattle in Pamekasan District in 2014 was 9.55%, the value of net replacement rate (NRR) was 101, 48%. The estimation result of Sonok cattle output was 8.24%. Madura cattle population dynamics at the Sonok cattle Nursery Center in Pamekasan District in the period of 2013 to 2017 experienced an average increase of 7.98% annually. The estimated results of the population dynamics from 2018 to 2022 were expected to increase annually by 9.18%. It was concluded that Sonok cattle in Pamekasan District still had the potential to increase the population and the output value was lower than NI (5.06% vs. 15.81%). Keywords : Pamekasan District, Reproduction Status, Natural Increase Value, Sonok Cattle, Questionnaire


  • The method of data collection was done by interviewing farmers

  • 4 subdistricts those were being the targets of the population

  • namely from 13 subdistricts in Pamekasan District were the locations for maintaining sonok cattle

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Keberadaan sapi Sonok menciptakan teknologi pemurnian untuk membibitkan sapi

Madura yang berkualitas serta menjaga kelestariandan meningkatkan tampilan atau performan sapi Madura. Keunggulan sapi Sonok dibandingkan sapi Madura pada umumnya yakni dari aspek genetik telah dilaksanakan seleksi secara ketat (silsilah reproduksi), mulai dari pemilihan tetua, seleksi performan individu hingga tes hasil keturunannya dan aspek pemeliharaannya tergolong pola pemeliharaan optimal. Performa sapi jantan unggul menjadi pemacek dan sapi pejantan yang digunakan sebagai sumber semen beku yang dipelihara di Balai Besar Inseminasi Buatan, sementara performa sapi betina unggulan dijadikan sebagai sapi Sonok/betina produktif sapi Madura unggul. Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan dari penelitian sebelumnya terkait dengan silsilah reproduksi sapi Madura di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Kabupaten Pamekasan merupakan kawasan pengembangan peternakan, salah satunya adalah pengembangan ternak sapi Sonok yang memberikan sumbangan terbesar dalam penyediaan bibit unggul untuk sapi Madura potong. Berdasarkan hasil uraian diatas, maka penelitian ini penting dilakukan untuk dijadikan salah satu acuan untuk mengetahui status. Reproduksi dan potensi sapi Sonok di Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura

Jenis Kelamin
Batas Umur Pemeliharaan dan Lama Dalam Pembiakan
Natural Increase
Net Replacement Rate
Total Output
Dinamika Populasi Sapi Madura di Sentra Pembibitan Sapi Sonok
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